Mar 28th, 2024 by admin
Donec took a sabbatical (several monthsworth) because my team is aware that most of our items over the years have been complaints about the extraordinary inability of British Racing’s High Command (BHA) to do its job properly. Aware as we are that this is the year when the BHA has undertaken to lead the industry into a future that will be calm, happy and rich, I took the decision to gag Donec for a period of time so that the BHA could have a fair crack of the whip. That period is now over.
I only watched a few races at Cheltenham 2024. but enough to convince myself that the Raceday Regulator has a very good idea how big field starts should be managed under NH rules – because it is very simple and I have explained it to him several times in writing over several years. However it is clear that he still has no intention of lifting a finger to improve the pathetic system which is currently in use.
My new plan is to persuade CEO Harrington that she must advise him to seek his fortune elsewhere. That function comes with the territory. If she won’t or can’t do it she becomes “Officer Harrington” and the BHA must replace her by someone who understands the significance of the C and the E in the job title under which she sails and is paid.
As for the suggestion that she is capable of leading the BHA into battle for British Racing’s very survival – I have my doubts. I very much like the Jockey Club’s Nevin Truesdale, I very much like Peter Savill, I very much like Mr Cruddace who runs ARC, and time will tell whether or not I will very much like BHA Chairman Joe Saumarez Smith.
I would also very much like Barry Hearn, the saviour of Snooker and Darts, to be at the heart of Racing’s Defence (and Attack) Force. One thing is clear: over sixty years British Racing’s leaders have failed to impress governments. I suspect that Barry Hearn might have the secret. More to the point his wife recently bred an Ascot Gold Cup winner. He and his wife were at Ascot when it won, and he said that it was the best day of his life. Three reasons why Mr and Mrs Hearn should be at the heart of British Racing’s future.
During the last forty years I have never heard anyone of substance in British racing suggest that its financial problems could be solved as follows: a strong leadership should announce that as of a date (2030 perhaps) all betting on British Races will be handled by British Racing. Not only would that cure racing’s financial woes it would also make gambling-addiction treatable. Am I mad? Is every sensible racing country in the world mad? They have all gone down that road and it has worked superbly well. They are all begging British Racing to do the same because they want us to be competitive. AD 2030 is just round the corner!
Best wishes,
Andrew Donec Simpson