SPORT 134 (November 1 2022)
Oct 19th, 2022 by admin
I am delighted to hear that a very strong rescue team is applying its shoulder to the wheel in an effort to save British Racing from the knackers yard. Can I make just one suggestion? Much is said about getting more fans through turnstiles. Racing fans do not grow on trees for reasons which I do not fully understand. I think it is a sort of addiction, of the best sort. Maybe it is just a fact that they are “shy breeders”. All I would say is “By all means go for the numbers, but don’t expect it to be a magic bullet.” Bear in mind that crowds which are unfamiliar with racing have already shown that they are by no means trouble-free.
I would like to see a main thrust in a different area: a campaign to introduce government to the idea that, if government provides the legislation that racing needs in order to survive, racing will provide the Treasury with wealth beyond its wildest dreams – basing that suggestion on my recent discovery that the Hong Kong community’s main financial contributor is its Racing industry.
The legislation that is required is simple. Racing comprises horses, owners, breeders, trainers, jockeys, stable staff, racecourses, training centres, stud farms, and the racing public. How much of that is provided by the bookmakers? Not much, maybe nothing. In the days of Queen Victoria the bookmakers glanced over the fence and said, “I fancy a bit of that!” and the fence was demolished in the rush for the action. Just like that.
They have been exploiting Racing’s financial potential ever since, which is why British Racing is so much poorer than that of the other major racing nations, which have been sensible enough to convince their governments that betting on horses belongs to the horseracing industry, which will use that licence to enrich the nation as a whole, rather than to a small but ruthless group of merchants whose only ambition is to get very very rich, and whose main talent is for lobbying governments.
The other day I read an article by the excellent Kevin Pullein, an expert on gambling. He announced that the British gambling industry wins three billion pounds a year off its punters every year. If that is so, what kind of a government would encourage its electorate to do business with such an industry? A naughty government which is susceptible to the blandishments of the notorious betting lobby..
British bookmakers have been instructed to advise their clients about keeping their betting under control and they certainly plaster their websites with sanctimonious warnings. However their heart isn’t in it. Their real philosophy is contained in the message “Your betting slip is still empty”. That’s honesty for you. Apart from our money, they find the public very boring.
The principality of Monte Carlo built a casino in 1850 or thereabouts. Princess Caroline, wife of the Prince of Monte Carlo, immediately passed a law making it a crime for any of her citizens to enter the building. That law still stands. It is said that Monegasques pay no taxes and are always smiling. She knew what she was doing: she knew that gambling is addictive and poisonous for any community that falls into its trap.
Now I leave the top table and return to my allotment, where mediocrity and downright cheating is almost a badge of honour for some of the old hands who queue up for the weekly stipend at the BHA’s cash point.
If the rescue team have the time to cast an eye in the direction of the “lower deck”, they might “kick arse” (as they say) about the Interference Rules (non-existent) and their application by the Stewards (unbelievably incompetent), about the big-field-starting arrangements under NH rules (good starters under rubbish management) and about the Whip (where the present arrangements are quite good, and the determination to defend them is non-existent). These three serious shortcomings have been brought to the attention of the relevant departments many many times over ten years and nothing has been done.
Ten years! It is things like that which encourage me to use bad language.
Best wishes,