SPORT 11: Latest Bulletin – Sport Dying!
Jul 18th, 2010 by admin
Throughout the world sport is under siege from criminals who wish to corrupt it in order to enrich themselves through the agency of worldwide crooked gambling and other ramifications of a sinful nature. We are not talking peanuts here. The vastness of the numbers involved has become truly impressive since globalisation became a reality.
Certain sports have resorted to technological devices which make it possible to retain the purity of their product, and that policy seems to be working.
Other sports have turned their backs on any such development. I wonder why. Is one to conclude that these sports wish to facilitate the endeavours of the criminal elements mentioned above?
If so, we must prepare to say goodbye to the centuries of wholesome endeavour which have brought so much joy to so many billions of participants and spectators.
I would suggest that if the governing body of any sport adopts (or maintains) arrangements which play into the hands of criminal predators, that governing body should be persuaded to change its ways by a massive and persistent show of “No confidence” on the part of the public.